After a period of relative stability, gas prices are up again. And although several fuel-sipping vehicles - hybrids, diesels, and a soon-to-arrive electric car - have been introduced to the market over the past couple of years, they still account for a very small percentage of vehicles on the road.
For many driving SUVs, trucks and vans, times are getting tough at the pump. Even owners of small cars are feeling the pinch.
Fortunately, there is a way for consumers to fight high gas prices, no matter what kind of vehicle they own. The idea is to maximize your mileage by driving fuel efficiently, and contrary to what you may think, this doesn't mean you have to crawl around at Sunday-drive speeds.
What we mean by "fuel efficient" driving is combining smooth driving techniques with basic vehicle maintenance. It's simple, really: drive close to the speed limit, for example; use a light foot on the accelerator when increasing speed; pace yourself to avoid coming to a full stop at red lights; avoid "jackrabbit" starts, and if possible, plan your daily commute to reduce the frequency of stop signs or lights on your way.
Specifically, here are some other techniques that you can employ to reduce your vehicle's fuel consumption:
Reduce engine load
A key factor in reducing fuel consumption is the load placed on your vehicle's engine. Reduce the load, and you'll reduce the fuel it requires. In practice, this means adopting a smooth and even driving style. Rapid acceleration uses considerably more fuel; moderate acceleration uses less fuel. So-called "jackrabbit" starts from one stoplight to the next equate to a 2.5 percent time saving in an hour (a measly 90 seconds), but a 37 per cent increase in fuel consumption, according to a study by Natural Resources Canada. In short: accelerate smoothly, brake in good time, and try to maintain an even speed en route.
Avoid unnecessary idling
Except when driving in traffic, turn off your vehicle when waiting for extended periods of time (turn on the radio; chill to music rather than the air conditioner!).
"Fuel efficient" driving in the city is often hard to practice. Too many stop signs and uncoordinated traffic lights mean that you're continuously stopping and starting (increasing the load on the engine). More traffic circles at intersections would help, so you don't always have to stop. And wouldn't it be great if the lights would reliably turn green as you approach them?
But you can sometimes time your arrival at a green light. If you see a red light a few blocks ahead, and it's safe to do so, simply take your foot off the gas and begin a slow deceleration. Often the light will have turned green by the time you arrive, obviating the need to come to a full stop.
A fuel efficient driving style can save a lot money, and won't delay you. It's also a stress reducer, so there's an added bonus.
Try to adopt a fuel efficient driving style: You'll no doubt see results. Our roads will also be safer and more community, pedestrian and cyclist friendly.